Back on the Streets (in a good way)

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought challenges to us all since March 2020. At the HOPES Center office we had to make some major adjustments to who is in the office and how we operate, while still serving people who are homeless and at risk of homelessness. On street outreach, we started wearing face masks. It seemed like a sort of barrier while trying to engage with people on the streets, but it is what we had to do to keep everyone safe.

Unfortunately, our Wednesday night team leader, Warren Williams, contracted COVID-19 in the fall of 2020. (It was not related to exposure during street outreach.) We had to make some adjustments on our outreach team composition and schedule, but continued to provide street outreach serves while Warren was on sick leave battling COVID and starting his recovery from the virus.

Last night Warren returned to street outreach, leading the Wednesday night team. We are so thankful for his recovery, as well as his commitment to serving people who are experiencing homelessness and are unsheltered.

2021.01.06 Warren Williams B.jpg

We have it in hand


Outreach Risk Factors