Getting Ready to Lead
Ben gets his first set street outreach supplies.
Ben Cornell joined the street outreach team in December and has been on the streets through the winter as he has been learning street outreach techniques. In March, he will be taking on the role of street outreach team leader. This means that he will be responsible for:
Organizing the supplies and making sure everything is read before the shift
Preparing the burritos, hot water and coffee
Preparing the outreach plan (where are we going to go, who do we want to try to meet, where do we start)
Coordinating street outreach contacts during the night (who takes the lead)
Driving the team and monitoring safety issues
Completing a shift report at the end of the night.
Updating the next team that will be going out.
The “B-Team” (Scott and Ben) will continue through the early part of spring, but with Ben taking on the team leader role. Later in the spring we expect to split up the team, with Ben leading a new team and Scott leading another on a different night or covering a different area.